Uhauha (うはうは - Exhilarated)

Sep 10, 2019 13:24

When describing that someone is so happy and so excited, you can use the Japanese onomatopoeia 'uhauha' (うはうは).

This term became popular because of a TV commercial of curry broadcast in 1970.

In the TV commercial, a man said 'nyōbō mo uhauha yorokobu yo' (女房もウハウハ喜ぶよ), the literal meaning of this line is "my wife will also be happy with a feeling of 'uhauha'."

In other words, this commercial wanted to say that the product would make wives happy because curry is inexpensive, delicious, and easy to make.




No. 1 Aubrey's correction
  • Uhauha
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • When describing that someone is so happy and so excited, you can use the Japanese onomatopoeia 'uhauha' (うはうは).
  • When describing that someone is really happy and excited, you can use the Japanese onomatopoeia 'uhauha' (うはうは).
  • This term became popular because of a TV commercial of curry broadcast in 1970.
  • This term became popular because of a TV curry commercial that was broadcast in 1970.
  • In the TV commercial, a man said 'nyōbō mo uhauha yorokobu yo' (女房もウハウハ喜ぶよ), the literal meaning of this line is "my wife will also be happy with a feeling of 'uhauha'."
  • In the TV commercial, a man said 'nyōbō mo uhauha yorokobu yo' (女房もウハウハ喜ぶよ). The literal meaning of this line is "my wife will also be happy with a feeling of 'uhauha'."
     If you want to make it one sentence, you can say "a man said '...' which literally means "..."."
  • In other words, this commercial wanted to say that the product would make wives happy because curry is inexpensive, delicious, and easy to make.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you for the correction! :)

  • In the TV commercial, a man said 'nyōbō mo uhauha yorokobu yo' (女房もウハウハ喜ぶよ), the literal meaning of this line is "my wife will also be happy with a feeling of 'uhauha'."
  • In the TV commercial, a man said 'nyōbō mo uhauha yorokobu yo' (女房もウハウハ喜ぶよ), the literal meaning being "my wife will also be happy with a feeling of 'uhauha'."
     Can 'ウハウハ' be used by itself in a sentence ?
  • In other words, this commercial wanted to say that the product would make wives happy because curry is inexpensive, delicious, and easy to make.
  • In other words, this commercial appealed to the audience that the product would make wives very happy because the curry is inexpensive, delicious, and easy to make.